(2022) OIEC Activity Information
I’ll give you an information of next activity.
July 17 (Sun), 10:30-12:00
At Samurai Square 5FL (サムライ スクエアビル5階)
MC: Ken S.
Fee: 700 yen
1. Self-introduction (if necessary) 10 min
Newcomers: name, job, hobby, motive of coming to our activity and so on. You can speak as much as you can.
Members: name, job (if you have)
2. Your latest news, recent incidents in some groups
(近況、最近の出来事) 13min/time×3 times 40 min
3. English game in some groups 30 min
“True and False game part-2"
you don't need to prepare at all.
Let’s enjoy an activity!
From Ken