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Special Activity information(May 21, 2023)(ENJOY CLASS)

【2023】 OIEC初回日帰り小トリップ企画



① 開催時期は1回/2~3か月

② 公共交通機関を使用(交通の便が極端に不便なときのみ自家用車使用)

③ 目的地を一つ定める


From this year, I decided to hold a casual small trip where you can sometimes enjoy an extraordinary day. The season is getting warmer, and I changed the place of activity to the outdoors.

The rules are as follows:

① It is held once every 2-3 months

② Use public transportation (use private car only when transportation is extremely inconvenient)

③ Decide on one destination

The first visit is as follows.

“四国水族館 in Kagawa Pref.”

I’ll give you an information of next activity.

Date: May 21 (Sun), 10:30-17:00

At the Shikoku Aquarium in Kagawa Pref.

MC: Ken S.

Fee: No charge (all participants)


岡山駅~多度津(JR瀬戸大橋線、予讃線) 1,070 yen(片道one way)

入場券(An admission of the aquarium) 2,400 yen(大人 an adult)

ランチ(An lunch) about 1,000 yen

Schedule is as follows;

1) 10:30 a.m. The time for meeting(集合時間)

(集合場所: 岡山駅西口2階タクシー乗り場近くの広場)


2) 12:15 – 13:15 A lunch anywhere


3) 13:30 – 15: 30 The Shikoku Aquarium

4) 17:00 Arrival at Okayama Statin


Let’s enjoy an activity!

After activity, let’s enjoy lunch with some drinking if you can. (活動後、時間が取れる方は食事を楽しみましょう)


1) 参加希望される方は事前に氏名をご連絡ください。


2) 当日は極力、英語でコミュニケーションしましょう。特に外国人が参加された場合は必ず英語での会話を実践していただくよう、お願いします。

3) 予定時刻に間に合わない場合は事前に連絡ください。

1) If you would like to participate, please let us know your name in advance.

Also, please contact us in advance if you will join us on the way.

2) Try to communicate in English as much as possible on the day of the event. Especially when foreigners participate, please be sure to practice conversation in English.

3) Please contact us in advance if you will not be on time.


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